Welcome fellow assassin to the assassin's creed timeline in chronlogical order.

Here we will show all the way the from ancient greece to modern day and what lengths the assassins had to go through to protect our brotherhood throughout the centuries against the Templar Order for getting their hands on the pieces of eden to control the human race and make it slaves.

Now fellow assassin choose the way of which you would like to know how our ancestors had protected the pieces of eden in their lifetime and what they did to protect such ancient and sacred relics from the time before us.

Ancient Era 431 B.C.E to 49 B.C.E (Odyssey and Origins)Ancient Era

3rd Crusade and Renaissance 1191 A.D to 1511 A.D (Assassins Creed 1, Assassins Creed II, Assassins Creed Brotherhood and Assassins Creed Revaltions)3rd Crusade and Renaissance

Exploring the Carribean, American War of Independence, French Revolution and The British Industrial Revolution 18th Century A.D to 1868 A.D (Assassins Creed Black Flag, Assassins Creed III, Assassins Creed Unity and Assasssins Creed Syndicate)Piracy to British Industrail Revolution

Downloadable Content from each and every game (Season Passes and DLC's within the games themselves)DLC's

Charcters from each game and what impact they make on the story and the charcter.Characters from games

Extra ContentExtra's

Remember Assassin nothing is true, everything is permitted.